April 3, 2015

A Incredible Breakfast in Sedona

IT’S Good Friday and VERY busy in Sedona!  We’ve been in Sedona before, so we didn’t plan to spend a lot of time here.  Our primary goal was to grab some breakfast at one of most favourite spots in the world.  L’Auberge at Sedona. We had a nice, if not a VERY windy breakfast at their  creekside restaurant, Cress on Oak Creek. However, with a patio heater and blanket, I managed to make it through a delicious Eggs Benedict … cooked to perfection!  The patio by the creek is stunning and not to be missed!

breakfast at L'Auberge

Breakfast at L’Auberge

The gorgeous patio on the creek at Cress on Oak Creek at  L’Auberge de Sedona

Afterwards, a stroll down the major tourista shops while it warmed up. I bought a beautiful shawl, but that’s about it. It’s just too pricey there … they really gouge the tourists!  But it is fun to look through and ogle some of the beautiful native jewelry.


Touristy Sedona!

Enjoying a coffee and some gorgeous views in Sedona

Back to the mo-ho for an afternoon siesta, then a hike up to a hilltop near our camp. There is an old Indian Ruin up there … although most of the stuff you see are remnants from a much later period … broken bottles and crushed cans. It must have been a major party spot at one point!

cottonwood hike

Cottonwood hike to a hilltop near our campsite