JUNE 29, 2014


We got up early and packed up the boats, screened room etc., and headed on our way to Meziadin Lake.  The weather was starting to sock in and I hadn’t had a shower or washed my hair in almost a week, so it was time to find some water and power!

The one very cool thing we saw was a very wet and bedraggled fox that seemed to be accustomed to vehicles passing by.  He wandered out to the middle of the road and sat down as we approached.  He must have been hoping for a handout – he did look sad!  We have a policy of not feeding wildlife though – so we snapped a photo and hoped he’d be ok there on the road.


Bedraggled fox looking for snacks!

The Stewart-Cassiar  Highway was pretty good but couldn’t see too much of the scenery as the clouds were all quite low.  Still … very beautiful and quite lush and green! We took a 10 km detour up to Cassiar, which is essentially a ghost town but there are still some people living there. This asbestos mining town ended its mining operation in 1992. The abandoned cabins and equipment are all that is left to let you imagine the early times of miners and settlers in the area.

Old abandoned equipment at Cassiar

Asbestos mine processing building in Cassiar

We had stopped at Jade City, which only had a couple of souvenir shops – selling BC Jade.  We went into the Cassiar Mountain Jade Store, but unfortunately we had just pulled in after a tour bus!  The entire shop was FULL of old people wandering aimlessly.  The old men sort of circled around looking like lost sheep waiting for the border collie to tell them what to do … and the old ladies were crowded around the ‘bargain’ table like a bunch of vultures looking for the best tid-bit on a dead antelope!  You could hardly move! We squeezed around for a few minutes, then left.  It’s too bad as it would have been nice to really look at some of the jewelry.

The Cassiar Mountain Jade Store in Jade City on the Stewart-Cassiar Highway

We drove about 5 hours south and finally stopped for the night at the Tattoga Resort.  Loosely called a ‘resort’ I’d say.  Not the greatest but it has power, water and a dump station so it’ll do.

Tatogga Resort

Our RV at Tattoga Resort

So we’re here for the night, then on towards Meziadin Junction. to see the glaciers we’ve heard about.  Looks like rain so we won’t bother putting up the screened room.

JUNE 30, 2014


We were up early and had breakfast at the lodge, which was really quite good.  No set menu … you just told the guy what you wanted and he cooked it up!  Good eggs, bacon and hashbrowns!  Then off we went!

Some breakfast & computer time in the lodge at Tattoga Resort

The day was quite overcast and we hit rain on and off throughout the day.  Saw lots of bears … mostly just glimpses really as they seemed all to be hiding!  One was at the roadside but kept it’s head in the tall grass and munched away so we didn’t get a really good view.  There is so much stunning scenery along this stretch of the road!!

Black Bear on the Stewart-Cassiar Hwy 37

Enjoying the views along  the Stewart-Cassiar Hwy

Lily’s on  the Stewart-Cassiar

Stunning scenery the Stewart-Cassiar Hwy 37

We made it to Meziadin Lake Provincial Park. and decided to stay the night then drive to Stewart in the morning.  The main reason for driving to Stewart is viewing the many glaciers along the way and if it’s very overcast with low clouds … we’d not see a thing.  So we’ll head in tomorrow and maybe see what’s happening in Stewart for Canada Day!  The tourist brochures say they have ‘festivities’ planned … should be interesting!

Meziadin Lake

Meziadin Lake